Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Week #4

Before you know it the week is almost over. good grief. Monday we were still camping. I had every intention of going out for another run on the beach. Was actually looking forward to it. Then I took an Advil PM. No big deal, except a rash appeared on my hands, not from the Advil, from the wipes I'd used earlier. So i had to take a Benadryl. oh, yeah that was fun. I slept really good. But then couldn't get up in the morning. I was mad. So no workout on Monday, since we didn't get home until after 7pm. And we were tired from being in the car all day and just wanted take showers and watch tv. ha. Tuesday was an easy run. 45 minutes. I tried to push a little to see what i could do. made it 4 miles, actually a little more. So i think I'll be okay. I was tempted to run all the way around the lake to see how far I could actually go, but wasn't sure if i'd make it back to the house on time and I had a visit with the chiropractor, so i needed to be done on time. but it was a good run. Today, wednedsay, cross training. I did Yoga Fusion, or whatever it's called. Good workout, although I was standing the whole time. Not sure if I like that, since I'm at work all morning and that is why I cross train on wednesdays. I'll see how I feel about that maybe next week. More updates later.

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