Friday, June 27, 2008

Another 10

I was able to get out early enough and do 10 miles on the bike today. WOOHOO!! now if I could just get off the bike without my tailbone or my wrists hurting like CRAZY!!! i really tried to concentrate on not leaning so hard on my hands today, it helped a little. There is this bike seat at Target that I saw that I think might work for the tailbone issue I'm having. It was lower through the middle and at the back, so maybe it would work. I might have to splurge and try it, especially if I am going to be riding all the time. Another issue I would be having is what this training is doing to my legs!!! Ya know, if genetics weren't enough, bikes and my legs just don't go together. I would have what my family and I like to call the "wolf butt." It's completely inherited and I would not be the only member of my family to possess such an attraction. However i guess I would also have what could be considered the "wolf legs." And anyone with large thighs knows the issues that I deal with. Now, my legs aren't fat, actually, they've gotten even less so since I've been biking AND running. I think they may be alittle thinner, especially in the inner thigh area. (sorry, that might be tmi for some) But the thighs have definitely gotten BIGGER!!! How in the heck am I supposed to buy a pair of pants that fit over these darn things. That would be one reason I buy men's jeans, cause they fit. I guess manufacturers think that girls can't have big legs, so we won't make them big, unless of course, you're over weight and big all around. And throw into the mix someone with a 35" inseam. Oh, yeah, now we're talking. So I guess I'm doomed to wear men's jeans forever. I get really bummed when I watch "What not to wear" and see all those cool jeans they have on there. Yeah, that ain't gonna happen here. Okay, enough ranting about jeans that don't fit. Until next workout:)

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